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How Christ The Mighty Angel Takes On Flesh And Bone In This Last Day (2357)
Now the Mighty Angel comes down from heaven and we see Him in the Spirit to begin with. But as we have come into Revelation 10:8-11, we now see the body of Christ as a visible being as He takes on flesh and bones. And that's seen as John taking the little book, him being a type of the wife of Christ. We see that John begins to prophesy showing what the wife of Christ is doing, and we, His wife are given everything that was in the body that Jesus lived in when He was here in His earthly journey. That is what Revelation 10:8-11 is showing us, that we have come to the place where the spoken Word as it was in other ages has now become the living Word in us. In other words, it was spoken then, but it's the living Word now.


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