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An Old Testament Prophet Comes To A New Testament Age (1201)
After hearing the message of God that Brother William brought, I knew that he was the messenger to the seventh church age, the last of the seven church age messengers. God also revealed to me that he was the prophet spoken of in Malachi 4:5-6. Nevertheless, I couldn't understand how his ministry would fit in with the ministry recorded in Ephesians 4:11-16, as an apostle is the first in the five fold ministry. I couldn't understand this and it bothered me greatly. And as I ask other ministers about this, no one seemed to be very interested. So I began to seek God about the matter, as Daniel did with prayer and fasting (Daniel 9:3). I closed myself up in a room in our mobile home and sought God for forty days and nights with prayer, fasting, and reading the Word of God. In the following pages is the revelation that God gave me.


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